Wednesday, February 11, 2009


You would think after all those consecutive posts last month that I would have not lagged this long to make another post, huh? Well I am back to continue my rejoining of the written swirls in the current blogosphere. I'm untying all the knots, all the places needed for unraveling.

I started all my classes and have been spending time learning and working in a wonderful new venue called The Hexagon located off of N. Charles St. Aside from this, school started up again, which can account for the lack of posts since beginning January. Nonetheless, this semester will be enjoyable by trying to find balance, sanity intact by trying to find the humor in it all:

Speaking of being involved with this renewed art and music space, I've been learning more about the electronic acts or moreso musicians that incorporate varied electronics who come to the space and perform. Featured music this early morning is IDM/ambient musician Lusine.

Lusine layers minimalist techno and down tempo hip hop with slight break beats, delivering stunning trips into a whole new musical space that extracts a flow from the layers of basic instrumentation. Also evident is a slight syncopation between melodies and beat in his songs. Lusine explores a whole musical territory that is a conglomeration of most of the electronic music that we saw arise from the mid 90's like techno and the use of beat making in hip hop to even more current interpretations such as how the layers of sound is used within its composition. Lusine is definitely worth a listen especially for fans of Cex's Role Model, Mum's more visibly visceral approach to the textural qualities of music, and for fans generally interested in more IDM, and not just another electro-laptop musician or dj.

This Sunday, February 15th you might want to check out Lusine.

For more information about the venue:

I'm really excited for all the opportunities that have unexpectedly arrived on my door step. I don't want to delve into it much but just know that I am still really alive. Also I promise I will try and find more files to download in the future.

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